Publication Type journal
Publication Authors Sunday Nathaniel Nwabuwe1 , Ugbome Maureen, Akarah2 , Emmanuel O3 1University of Delta, Boji, 321103, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria 2University of Delta, Boji, 321103, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria 3University of Delta, Boji, 321103, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria * Correspondent Author:
Year Published 2022-07-20
Abstract This study sought to ascertain the extent to which mass media coverage of sports events has contributed to sports development
in Delta State. Two research questions were raised to guide the study with a population of five hundred and ninety three (593)
comprised of nineteen (19) sports writers, nineteen (19) sports journalists, two hundred and three (203) coaches, three hundred
and twenty-six (326) athletes, and twenty-six (26) organising secretaries in Delta State, from which a sample size of three hundred
and eighteen (329) was obtained with the sports writers, sports journalists, and sports organisers being purposively sampled
while 50% of coaches and athletes were randomly sampled through balloting. A 15-item self-structured questionnaire scaled on
a modified four-point Likert type rating of “very high” (VH 4), “high” (H 3), “low” (L 2), and “very low” (VL 1) with a reliability
index (r) of 0.75 established with the Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient was used for the study. The findings
revealed that the mass media covers sports events in Delta State to a high extent and that the mass media has contributed to sports
development in Delta State to a high extent. It was recommended that the Delta State government open up more vistas for mass
media participation while ensuring that the sports development policy would include creating more outlets for generating
revenue through sports by organising more sports competitions as well as establishing more recreational outlets at the local
government level
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies Vol.6, No.3, pp.105-115, December 2020
Publication Authors Harvey G.O. Igben, PhD Department of Mass Communication Delta State University, Abraka Maureen Ugbome College of Education Agbor
Year Published 2020-11-12
Abstract The paper examined the influence of corporate culture on public relations practice
in Nigeria. Public relations practitioners might have seen corporate culture in relation to the
practice of public relations as a natural phenomenon but scholars have hardly paid research
attention to it as an important aspect of public relations practice. Scholars are curious to know
what influence corporate culture might have on the communication process and relationship
building between organizations and their stakeholders. Recent studies tend to link corporate
culture with corporate change which is further seen as critical to the success of organisation. The
theoretical framework for this study consists of organizational culture theory. It was established
that perception of corporate culture has a direct bearing with corporate relationship.

Publication Type journal
Publication Authors UMUKORO, ESE STEVEN (Corresponding Author) Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria, E-mail:;, Tel: +2348062384886. IRORI, OKIEMUTE QUEENETT Delta State Ministry of Information, Uvwie Field Office, Effurun, Delta State, Nigeria. E-mail:, Tel: +2348030872583. IVWIGHREN, HANNAH EMUOBOSA Communication Researcher and Senior Reporter, The Trumpet Newspaper, Otu-Jeremi, Delta State, Nigeria. E-mail: Tel: +238038551943 UGBOME, MAUREEN School of Languages, College of Education, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria. E-mail: Tel: +2348035699219
Year Published 2018-12-11
Abstract Mass media are crucial to the development of modern society. They communicate the
relevant information that engenders holistic development which includes agricultural
development. Nigeria is facing hardship because of low price of crude oil which is the
main stay of its economy. The need to diversify the economy using agriculture has
become a necessity. This problem necessitated this study: “Mass Media and
Agricultural Development: Perception of Youth Farmers in Ughelli South L.G.A. of
Delta State”. The study is anchored on both Development Media and Agenda Setting
Theories. Using multistage and purposive sampling techniques, a sample of 384
respondents was selected from the population of study and questionnaire used as
instrument to collect data. The study found that youth farmers of Ughelli South Local
Government Area of Delta state perceive that the mass media have not done enough to
develop agriculture in the area. The study also found that youth farmers of Ughelli South
Local Government Area have roles to play in developing agriculture in the area. The
study therefore recommends that the mass media, through various programming, should
give adequate attention to agricultural activities of Ughelli South Local Government Area
in addition to setting up of a community radio in the area to meet the agricultural
information needs of the people of the Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta
Publication Title The use of public relations for forging mutual understanding between colleges of education and their publics in Nigeria

Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies
Publication Authors Harvey G.O. Igben, PhD Department of Mass Communication, Delta State University, Abraka Maureen Ugbome College of Education Agbor
Year Published 2022-01-15
Abstract This paper explores how the public relations can positively influence the
relationship between the colleges of education and their publics. The study which used the College
of Education as a case study, argues that public relations as an important aspect of every
educational institution management and consequently it could be used to build healthy
relationships with the publics and erode unfavourable rumors and stories that could drive Colleges
into crisis. The study which relied on personal interview and ethnographic study of public relations
related documents of the College of Education discovered that the public relations unit relied
heavily on notice board publications, internal and external memos, college events as major tools
to disseminate information to publics of the College. The findings further showed that there was
heavy use of community relations activities by the college to build healthy relationships with her
host community.

Publication Type conferenceproceeding
Publisher This is a Publication of the Association of Leaders and Policy Professionals
Publication Authors DR. Efeurhobo Davis OCHUKO Department of Political Science and Public Administration University of Delta, Agbor, Nigeria. Maureen UGBOME Department of Mass Communication University of Delta, Agbor, Nigeria.;
Year Published 2022-09-26
Abstract The basic thrust of this paper is on the character evaluation and management of leaders in
organizational setting. The obvious causes of poor character leadership and its attendant effects
were lucidly discussed. The paper is categorized into: introduction, conceptual clarification, etc.
The centrality of the paper is anchored on its objectives which include the following; Assess the
relationship between character control and management, establish relationship between character
control and organizational leadership, and identified the nature of character and activities of
leaders in organization and the consequences of bad character on the stability of organizational
setting. The study adopted the Human relations theory as theoretical framework, and the
qualitative research analysis method. This enabled the researcher to show interest in critical
observations, case studies among others. The findings include the following: bad character leads to
poor organizational management, poor productivity arose from lack of character control in
organizational setting etc. The paper submits that appropriate recommendations were suggested
and the paper contended that for existing institutions to achieve its goals, leaders of such
organizations/institutions should have sense of belonging, organizational drive anchored on good
character and other leadership qualities.

Publication Type journal
Publication Authors Oghwie, O. B., Jitokun E. E. and Ugbome, M.
Year Published 2023-01-01
Abstract Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy emerged as a significant challenge in Nigeria, requiring effective communication strategies to promote vaccine acceptance and combat misinformation. This study focused on leveraging social media influencers on Instagram and Facebook to address Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy in Nigeria. It examined the effectiveness of using influencers as communication agents to disseminate accurate vaccine information, engage audiences, and promote positive attitudes towards vaccination. The study also explored the ethical considerations, challenges, and opportunities associated with this approach in mass communication for public health. Through content analysis and mixed-methods approaches, this study analyzed data from Nigerian social media influencers' posts, stories, and comments on Instagram and Facebook. A sample of 10 influencers was selected, and their content related to Covid-19 vaccines was examined. The effectiveness of influencer-led campaigns was assessed by evaluating audience engagement, knowledge gain, and intent to vaccinate among followers. Results showed that influencer-led ads produced significant levels of audience engagement, increasing followers' likelihood of learning more and their selfreported intent to be vaccinated. Influencer content's personalized and personable qualities encouraged favorable attitudes towards immunization. The study found that social media influencers' degrees of transparency and disclosure practices varied widely. Findings also indicated that influencers had trouble dispelling false information about vaccines on social media. Significant challenges included the negative attitudes, doubts, and opposition from some audience groups against vaccinations. Providing thorough vaccination information was also difficult due to social media sites' character limits and their fast-paced nature. In conclusion, the study highlights the intertwined nature of social media influencers, follower perspectives, and socio-economic concerns in shaping the discourse around Covid-19 vaccination. To overcome vaccine hesitancy, it is recommended to leverage influencer-led campaigns, ensure ethical behavior and accurate information dissemination, address socio-economic concerns, and foster partnerships.
Publication Title Technology Acceptance Model and Social Media Influence On Public Relations Practice in Nigeria

Publication Type journal
Publisher European Centre for Research Training and Development -UK
Publication Authors Igben, H.G.O, and Ugbome,M.
Year Published 2023-01-01
Abstract This paper is focused on how Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has influenced
public relations practitioners’ use of social media in their PR communications. It was established
that Perceived ease of use and Perceived usefulness of a technology, in this instance social media
has a direct link on whether the PR practitioner will use it in his PR communication. Public
relations is not just building and sustaining mutually beneficial relationship between an
organization and its publics through traditional public relations tools. Public relations has gone
beyond image building and sustenance of goodwill with the aid if conventional PR tools. The onus
of this responsibility rest on the public relations practitioner who has been allocated this
responsibility. The advent of social media has impacted the activities of public relations
practitioners in their PR duties in Nigeria.