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Publication Title Assessing Pidgin English as a Development Communication for Rural Communities in Delta State: A Study of the Delta State Broadcasting Service (DBS) Radio Download PDF
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors Oboakore Bettina Oghwie
Year Published 2021-06-06
Abstract This study investigated the influence of Pidgin English on Development Communication programmes by the Delta State Broadcasting Services (DBS) radio, Warri, Delta State. In order to provide answers to the objectives of the study, a sample of 198 well-structured copies of questionnaire were administered on rural dwellers on randomly selected communities in Delta State. Findings revealed that there are several types of content that were peculiar and common on the Pidgin language programme on the radio station. These include issues surrounding economy and business, agriculture, music, social issues, etc. Findings also showed that the extent to which respondents preferred this type of language high and moderate. Finally, findings indicated that the use of Pidgin English on any of the radio programmes was capable of influencing socio-economic and political development in the rural communities under study. In all, the finding that indigenous language like Pidgin English could be potentially used to facilitate human and community development suggests that Western approaches to development in developing countries continues to be untenable. Among other recommendations, it was suggested that broadcasting stations should encourage more usage of Pidgin English language programmes in the schedules to encourage participation and ensure an all-inclusive communication process.